Milar - Blow Foot Files

Tuesday, June 28, 201112:00 AM(View: 12746)
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Designed to remove rough, dry callused skin for feet Salon Quality Sanitizable Uttra Safe X-Coarse Manufactured for Lamour Nail Products,Inc. QUALITY VALUE CERTIFIED  All Lamour brand products have been independently tested for quality and performance.
Designed to remove rough, dry callused skin for feet Ergonomic grip handle Works both on dry or wet foot. 100% nickle can be sanitized Safe no sharp cutting edge X-Coarse Item No. NK600 Made In Korea for Lamour Nail Products,Inc. QUALITY VALUE CERTIFIED  All Lamour brand products have been independently tested for quality and performance.
Designed to remove rough, dry callused skin for feet Ergonomic grip handle Works both on dry or wet foot. 100% nickle can be sanitized Safe no sharp cutting edge X-Coarse Item No. NK600 Made In Korea for Lamour Nail Products,Inc. QUALITY VALUE CERTIFIED  All Lamour brand products have been independently tested for quality and performance.
LAMOUR NICKEL CALLUS REMOVER. Designed to remove Rough, Dry Callused Skin From The Feet. Easy Grip Handle Unbreakable Design. Can Be Cleaned & Sanitized. Safely & Gently Smoothes Away Corns And Calluses Without Soaking. Item No. NK700 Made In Korea for Lamour Nail Products,Inc. QUALITY VALUE CERTIFIED  All Lamour brand products have been independently tested for quality and performance.
LAMOUR NICKEL PRO-DOUBLE SIDE CALLUS REMOVER. Designed to remove Rough, Dry Callused Skin From The Feet.Easy Grip Handle in both size X couse and XX course FREE SMALL SIZE NAIL FILE INCLUDED Can Be Cleaned & Sanitized. Safely & Gently Smoothes Away Corns And Calluses Without Soaking. Made In Korea. Distributed by Lamour Nail Products,Inc. QUALITY VALUE CERTIFIED  All Lamour brand products have been independently tested for quality and performance.